What’s new in ENGAGE V1.8?
We’ve updated ENGAGE. V1.8 is now available to download. Below are a list of new features that have been included in the release:
ENGAGE is now available on the Google PlayStore
You can now download ENGAGE from the Google Playstore. This makes it easier to remotely collaborate with teams. Just like when you are in ENGAGE on desktop and VR headsets, you can host and join live sessions and scheduled events. You also have the ability to edit your avatar while using ENGAGE on mobile devices.
Space Hub
For newcomers, we’ve added an always on public hub. In here you can take some time to find your virtual feet, meet new people, explore other locations through portals and find some helpful hints to get you started.
Updated Sticky Notes
Our Sticky Notes feature is now easier to use. You can now create sticky notes by using the wrist controls that we added in V1.7 release. This helps keep you immersed in session without having to open menus in your view line.
New 3D Pen
We’ve added a 3D pen, empowering you with a creative collaborative tool that allows you to write and draw anywhere in your environment. Use the 3D pen to compliment 3D objects, integrate into brainstorming sessions or just draw for fun!
Whiteboard in any session
Drop a whiteboard into any session or event now by pressing a button on the wrist controls and from the ‘IFX’ menu. This makes it easier to collaborate on the spot or in your favorite locations.
To find out more about about this update you can visit our release notes page.