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VR Medical Training

Medical Mixed Reality / Spatial Computing using older University of Oxford content on newer Meta for Work hardware.

This orginal content was built on behalf of the LIFE project for Professor Mike English and was sponsered by HTC VIVE who donated hardware and funding to supply hospitals with VR equipment for training in Africa using the ENGAGE XR platform.

We created this many years ago when the only option we had to experience this was on the orginal Vive and Oculus VR CV1 using virtualreality devices connected to an expensive PC. Today, it feels like a brand new experience using this in passthrough mixed reality mode on a portal device like the Quest3.

In fact, all current generation portal immersive devices including Quest, Vive Focus, Pico, Lenovo VRX and Apple Vision Pro far eclipse what we were doing on PC for training only 7 years ago.

ENGAGE XR is heavily used for education, training and development in many different sectors including medical, banking, insurance and general education. It is extremely fast to prototype experiences and publish them using our inbuilt tools.

If you require immersive medical training tools or have any training/education needs, why not reach out via our contact page.

Project Details:

Maybe 1 million healthcare workers in Africa do not receive essential training to manage medical emergencies and reduce infant mortality. The vision of Professor Mike English from the Department of Tropical Medicine and crowdfunding via the OxReach platform has led to the development of Life-saving Instruction For Emergencies (LIFE), based on existing programmes of face-to-face teaching. This life-saving technology improves training, and so should help to address the 620,000 new-born lives that the World Health Organisation (WHO) say could be saved by delivering essential interventions including emergency care effectively.

Orginal Project Page:

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