In-Session tablet
- Fixed the menu buttons on the VR tablet to reduce the distance at which they’re activated.
Host Controls
- Fixed an issue that limited the areas in which a host could use the Summon All tool.
- Fixed the ability to enter a spawn point name in a Session Portal IFX.
- Fixed an issue that caused terrain in some ENGAGE locations to display as white surfaces on iPhones and iPads.
Content Editor
- Fixed an issue with key responsiveness on the virtual keyboard when used in the Content Editor.
- Fixed an issue that could cause changes to start and end times made in the Effect Options panel to not be saved when an object was edited for the first time.
Cloud File Manager
- Fixed an issue that prevented video files with an obsolete CDN address from playing in ENGAGE.
- Fixed the appearance of the file format dialog that appears when a user plays a video from cloud files.
- Fixed an issue that caused TextMeshPro assets to display incorrectly in user-created locations.
- Fixed an issue that caused the ForEach node to no longer work in graphs created with the alpha release.
- Fixed the GameObject Set Layer node.