Get Access To The World's Largest VR Educational Content Library
K12 OptimaEd Content Pack brings excellent educational experiences to students around the world. We've created the world's largest VR educational content library. These resources are designed to bring learning to life in a way like never before.
CEO – Dr. Narendra Kini
“students who trained using virtual reality were able to retain nearly 80% of what they learned when tested after one year, whereas students who taught using traditional methods retained only 20% a week after being tested. “
Our customized professional learning experiences will unlock new worlds of teaching and learning
We are dedicated to forging partnerships with independent schools nationwide to catalyze student learning and teacher development in the era of spatial computing. Our goal is simple – we want to equip educators with the resources to excel in their craft and do what they do best – inspire the next generation.
Providing educators with enriching grade and content specific professional learning opportunities is a first step in the journey of leveraging the power of VR in classrooms and schools. The Optima professional development team is comprised of world-class educators with deep expertise in teaching in VR. Let us help you and your colleagues discover how to optimize your current teaching practices to engage students in Optima’s immersive learning environments.
Our customized professional learning experiences will unlock new worlds of teaching and learning for you – and you, in turn, can bring a whole new world of learning experiences to your students.